Saturday, May 31, 2008

If Ever there was a Time to Pray

It was nearly 10 pm Zambia time (3 pm Central US). As we prepared for bed and a good night sleep, we made the decision to pray for our coming mission trip and our group in route from the United States. For what do you pray? Safety? Good Health? How about airlines following travel schedules?

I am sure that I do not always know the best words to share or the most important requests to make before God. I am thankful that as a Christian that the spirit speaks in my behalf. I like the old King James version that says, "Groans in our behalf." Groaning is exactly the FEELING I have right now

After spending an entire year preparing to share our medical expertise(Not mine personally as I am not in the medical profession) with the people of Zambia we meet mighty opposition from the evil one. He has injured some of our Zambian workers in a Bus accident. This tragedy has completely removed one mode of our transportation (One bus down and out). He is stalling the arrival of the other bus. He has put the travel plans of our group in a total mess as they try to make connecting flights.

Yet I know that we will serve no matter what occurs. If we have to setup a clinc right here at Mapepe Bible College, then we will. We came to serve not to be served. We must not be led away from our goal or the devil wins.

Now is the time for all Christians to pray without ceasing for the Mapepe Medical Mission. We must lift our voices as one to God. Let us not lose sight of our goal and purpose. "For the Son of man came not to be served, but to be served, and to ransom his life for many."

1 comment:

Justin P. Lewis said...

Would this be a time to lament? Question why God would let things go wrong when we are trying to serve a great number of people? Can we be angry at God? Through all of that we must be faithful that God will take care of us, as is displayed in the laments written in the psalms.